ज्ञानं परमं धर्मं |

"Knowledge is the highest form of "Dharma".

ज्ञान ही सर्वोच्च धर्म है |

धारयति इति धर्मः |

"Dharma" is that, which sustains (holds).

जो धारण करने योग्य है, वहीं धर्म है |

धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः |

"Dharma" protects those who protect it.
रक्षित किया हुआ धर्म रक्षक की रक्षा करता है ।

Code for executing Dharma Renaissance

Inspired from the Sanatan philosophy of पुरुषार्थ (Objectives for humans) - धर्म (Dharma), अर्थ (Artha), काम (Kaam), मोक्ष (Moksha)

  1. Excel at your profession : Artha and Dharma go hand in hand. To do good for the community and protect dharma we need resources. Having resources by being excellent value creators in our professions will allow us to put goodness in action and achieve outcomes required for our community.

  2. Be healthy : As a Sanatani, to defend dharma; and to study, practice and imbibe dharma we must be healthy in body, emotion & spiritual experience. Combat training (Shashtra-gyaan), yoga and meditation (dyaana) are choicest.

  3. Take care of your family : As a renaissance movement, we must aim to revive the sanatani concept of parivaar that extends, not just to immediate family & dependents, but to extended family and relationships. Strong individuals must create strong parivaars so in turn it can raise strong individuals who will further the cause of dharma.

  4. Perform dharmic duties unapologetically : Whether it is Poojas, visiting temples, gurudwaras or engaging in dharmic rituals; we must participate in those publicly, visibly and unapologetically. Wearing cultural clothes, visible symbols of dharma like teeka, bhabhooth, sindoor, mangalsutra, kara or pagg must be carried with pride and confidence.

  5. Study our scriptures : Whether we are a Hindu, Sikh, Jain or Buddhist we must study our scriptures, if possible, from primary sources and without translations. If language is a barrier, we may consume translated versions while making sincere efforts to learn our native dialects.

  6. Engage with local dharmic institutions : We must adopt a local (preferably small) institution whether it is a temple, gurudwara, school or a cultural center. Engage and participate in their activities to further their impact. Many-a-times these institutions hang by thread and do not get the participation they deserve.

  7. 10% rule : We must set aside 10% of our resources (either our income or manual effort) for dharmic causes. Pick a cause that resonates with you. It could range from serving food at langar to funding international dharmic consciousness movement depending upon our personal capacity.

© 2023


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